Jul 27, 2008

New Addiction: Supernatural. New Slash: Supernatural

Time and again, I guess I can't escape it. I started reading slash of Supernatural. Well, what can I say? It certainly pushes my buttons since it invariably includes my fave kinks. ^_~ Then again, just look at them! Ain't them the hottest thing since warm, spicy wine in winter? Sam and Dean Winchester. They hardly get any hoter or any better, and the story!!! Oh my, oh my, oh my! That story, those scenes are to DIE for! They scream loud for hard slash to be written! So.... will I write Supernatural? Nah.... I'm taking a Sabatic period from that kind of stuff... with the eventual exception of the Krumggory, that needs to be taken care of by someone, and that someone do seems to be me. I don't know much of them yet, but I'm willing to go deep into research and know all of their lives and miracles, pulls, stunts and stories.

This weekend, then, I was blessed by Warner Channel with a lovely 6 hour marathon of Supernatural. What a blast!!! Of course, 6 hours are only 6 episodes, and I would have loved at least 48 straight hours of Supernatural!!! Would that be too much to ask? So, after the "micro-marathon" finished, I turned Omi on, scribbled some entry (it's in the other blog, so don't bother unless you speak Hungarian) and then went searching for slashy Supernatural. So far I had read only one fic, and it was before I knew who was Sam (the one with the long hair) and who was Dean (the blond). Now, I knew them better, so I was able to enjoy story after story of "Wincest", as the genre is known. I know, I know, many out there do not like this and find it particularly nasty, knowing that Sam and Dean are brothers, but:

1. Get real, it's just a story.
2. They are both totally hot, so why not?
3. Mind your own business.

So, now I'm off to read more fics.


Storm Bunny said...

That's the problem with Warner Channel: you never miss the series you are not interested in, like The L Word, Smallville, The Bachelor, Two and a Half Men, you know, those you don't watch, and so you keep sapping, but when it comes to the ones you want to see, like Witchblade or Supernatural, you NEVER catch it because they seem to be on this moving schedule, designed for no one to be able to follow it up. And too bad, because it's X Files fun and the dudes are so HOT!!!

Didn't know you liked it.

Timtak said...

If the Winchesters were not brothers then even those who had never heard of the concept of "slash" would be wondering about their feelings for each other. The fact that it would be "wincest" (great name) just about keeps such suspicions out of the majority of minds. There is something going on, but it is repressed, for the most part.

According to the wikipedia talk page there are three episodes in which the Winchesters are mistaken for gays.

There is one episode, Ghostfacers, which is presented as a trailer for a parallel TV series in which Sam and Dean are also characters. In this episode there was a central homoerotic theme. Sam, Dean and the bungling TV producer/supernatural sleuths were saved by the homoerotic heroism of one of the interns. Towards the end of the episode someone commented that "gay love can pierce through the veil of death, and save the day".

Since it was a television programme about a television programme, directed by people that look a little like Eric Kripke, and who are said to have created a website really exists that Eric Kripke really uses to collect ideas I felt it was a message from the real directors telling us a major theme of the show.

I think it is the supressed sexuality that fuels the supernatural horror.

By the way, the horror in the x-files always seemed to appear when Scully wanted Mulder but he was too busy reading his files.

Is there any correlation between the number of angst ridden looks that Sammy gives Dean and the number of victims or the intestity of the fear?