Aug 19, 2012

Mother Earth

A Sunday started with yoga, not church. A Sunday in Costa Rica, waking up to gentle lights and delicious flower scents. I woke up happy, and going back to yoga made me happier. Though Christian, I found myself praying in meditation to Mother Earth, connecting with her and feeling so happy in the colorful, warm and sweet embrace of her tropical arms.

This was a beautiful Sunday, and though tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to work, and I still have no desk at home, I feel recharged, fabulous and happy. Met with friends, and still have a List of 13 to compose. I'm feeling love, I feel happiness and I feel so beautiful inside out - but not a physical or attractive beauty, but a beauty of feelings, of happiness with your surroundings, as if the whole world were simply beautiful and it were being mirrored inside me. I just feel wonderful, and I love the feeling. :-)

I hope you all had a happy and beautiful weekend, and that it has filled up with energy and good vibes for the week to come. Blessed be all!

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