Aug 3, 2012

Friends Visiting Over!

^_^ So our friends Trish and Phill came over to day to visit us... from Braunau all the way to Budapest! ^_^ Yay! Can't get more excited! They did it! They did come to our capital city to visit us! We've been preparing for a while now (since we offered, actually, which was the last day of our stay at Braunau), and I hope we manage to make their stay a pleasurable one. (Though we are running REALLY late with the dinner, just because we wanted to make them a real gulyás soup... :-S)

They got here by train, which is one of the most pleasant ways to travel I can think of. I hope one day they'll make a train from Europe to America, so that traveling from one continent to another would be much, much nice... AND hope that intercontinental train will have Air France male flight attendants :-D Anyways, they arrived here with the 16:50 train from Munich, which was delayed a bit. I could hardly bear the excitement, so I was jumping up and down all the time trying to spot our friends.

When we met it was AWESOME! Like family seeing each other for the yearly get-together! It was so great! From there we took them to the hotel, and then make a little tour toward the Buda Castle, where we took a walk and made lots of pictures around the Vienna Gate, the King Mathew Church, the Fishermen Bastion and then went to a place close to the national Gallery and the National Library where you could try your skills at Archery. Now, the first time I saw people doing it, it looked so easy and so cool, I decided that we had to try it out. Today, however, as we waited for our turn, there was this girl who was trying so hard, and was having so much difficulties with the arrow and the bow, that Trish and I suddenly got terrified. Holly-Molly! What if it was really so difficult! I mean, this girl often couldn't even get the arrow to actually shoot out, but the thing fell flat to the floor at her feet! It was nothing like Legolas or Robin Hood, making it look like it's child's play!

There were several types of bows, from softer to harder one, so Trish and I choose the softer ones while the guys choose the medium ones. The guys went at it like they were born with the freaking thing attached to their bodies! "Swoong! Swoong!" went the arrows and deep into the targets. I've got my arrows to shoot, but I guess I didn't tense the bow enough, so three out of eight bonced back from the target. But all of them reached the target. Trish went totally Diana-like. A bit unsure at the begining, but all of her arrows got hard into the targets.

If the modern word came to an end, I think I'd better go to the camp of the collectors and the farmers, while they can go join the Hunters. Maybe I should go back to the castle one of these days and pay for a couple of rounds, to at least make my arrows stay in the target.

If we don't scare them too much with the late supper, we'll have many other plans prepared for our friends, trips and stuff, many things to enjoy and many things to take pictures of. :-)

On the way we got to the arena or amphitheatre located in Óbuda, where Trish could marvel at the place and take pictures of it. Yes, it's kind of interesting how you can actually walk into an old Roman ruin, touch it, walk on it and even walk your dog in it! I guess Budapest has lots of surprises for all.

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