Aug 27, 2012

Things Happen When You Are Unprepared

Murphy's Law or simple coincidence, but things have a tendency to happen when you are not expecting them or are not prepared to deal with them. You must make an important call or are in dire need to check something online and your phone's battery dies out, you are out of recharge or you left it in yesterday's bag. You also coincidentally leave the headache pills home, or run out of them when you get a headache. As a woman, it also happens that your period decides to come early when you are out of tampons, your heel breaks when you still have miles to walk, or you splash your white blouse with coffee or spaghetti sauce when  you have an important meeting and didn't brought a scarf or a blazer.

Some people try to fend out these cases by hoarding up everything, packing up a suitcase of shoes and clothes to go to work, filling the trunk of the car with a portable pharmacy or squeezing a Walmart into their drawers. Is this the solution? Hoarding isn't, I'd say, but it's good to have a plan ready. Prepare for what you can expect, and draft a plan for what you can't expect. Avoid carrying around too much stuff, spending too much on things you don't really need, or surrounding yourself with clutter. Yeah, Murphy's Law - basically the only law I haven't seen anyone try to break (which is different from avoiding, which we all try to do) - may push some to believe that hoarding is the solution to everything in life, and when you are out of water, pills, cookies, batteries, pens or any other similar thing, it might look so, but then, think about it, think well: the solution is to plan, to think, to find a solution, and to be prepared for the next time Murphy catches up with you.


Mandy said...

My husband has what he calls "Colin's Law" it goes like this: What can go wrong will go wrong, unless you've planned for it. Then it will go wrong when you are the least prepared. Then he laughs, because what are you going to do?

Storm Bunny said...

Hehehehehe! He's so right! The "Colin's Law", may I adopt it too? I like it, it's like an Ammendment to the Murphy's Law.

Storm Bunny said...

Ah mae!!! Eso sí que es Murphy!! Aunque estoy por adoptar la Enmienda Colin: lo que puede salir mal, saldrá mal, y si te preparas para ello, entonces sucederá cuando menos preparado estés. Es como la ley de la gravedad: nadie escapa, todos caen.