Sep 17, 2012


Today's Horoscope: The stars have decided that You are perfectly capable of managing your own life. After all, no matter what the wise say or do, what stars say or do, they can stand on their heads and spell your name across the sky, You'll still do what it pleases you, what you consider best. So go ahead, evidently it has worked so far. ^_^ *nobody tells a Dragon or a Crab what to do*

If you are on Facebook or any other social network, you probably have noticed friends of yours daily publising their horoscopes. Yes, maybe it's an app, and maybe they feel they need this little boost of good vibe to get their day on the go. Maybe. Others never fail to check their horoscopes online, on the newspaper or in their magazines, and often mull about it. Then some others go further, actually consulting astrologists and having their astral cards composed and their future divined. Dude, really why are we doing this? Why do we give something outside of us the power to determinate what kind of day are we having?

Though I do not doubt the effect that the astral bodies can have on us, just as they have their effects on the crops and the tides, this doesn't mean that one star has the power to decide what should you do during the day, or define your expectations. Unless, of course, said star is in direct path to collide with Earth and exterminate us all.

Tarot cards, passages from the Bible, pendulums, runes, stars, omens... none of them define our life, just our attitude towards it.

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