Sep 18, 2012

I've Been Accepted at [INSERT NAME] Book Club!

Oh joy and happiness! My darling friend Dragonfly, who is a well known librivore - though work has kept her in an imposed book-diet - finally got me linked, connected and hooked to a fabulous Book Swapping Club. It's a rather impromptu club that was born between a few friends and that has been growing exponentially (kind of, maybe more like a conservative linear growth) as friends bring or more and more Readers Anonymous into this group that seeks no cure for their addiction, but actually encourage to keep on the dark path of letters and stories. The girls from this club are scattered around the Hispanic world, from what I understand, with many from Mexico, and at least two from this corner of the planet. Each year we submit a list of 10 books we would like and then we get a "secret friend" assigned, for whom we'll get one of her books. Books should be sent on time, or a Terrible Book Swapping Curse will fall upon you. Evil karma will hunt you down and make your life miserable, creating a trail of mishappenings around you.

A big zip will appear on your nose right when you have this big interview or a long awaited date with Adonis Reborn. Your stockings will rip caught in an egde at the office right when you were going to meet with your girlfriend at this fabulous new place were you were planning to go on guy-watching. Your coffee will splash on your white shirt the day you have no sweater or blazer around. Your heel will break at the very begining of a day of shopping. Yes, you should avoid the curse.

This Book Swapping Club works like many swap groups, only it does center on books, in comparison with more general groups, and since we are so far from each other, it also goes on rubbing the love for snailmailing. :-)

This will be my first year, and I've already were made feel at home with the girls. They are all so great! We shall see how it goes.

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