Aug 12, 2008

All Things Put Together

Dude, life is a hard motherfucker. And the first thing I do in my daily entry is show my capability of swearing. Dude, really, have I written lately a "swearing free" entry? Nope. Oh well. Deal with it. We all have to deal with stuff we ether don't like or we can do nothing about it. Yesterday I was supposed to go to the gym and have some training and some spinning, but I didn't go. It kinda reminded me of this Yaya Sisters' joke Roo sent Lau n me. Hahahaha! Good one, huh? Well, in my case it was most a matter of "period". I dunno why, but I felt I was turning into a Nile of Blood, so I wasn't risking to go to a mixed class of spinning and have an accident, and sorry, but there's only so many tampons you can shove up your ... never mind. So, I wasn't going. Instead I went home, ate chocolates, drank Red Bull and watched TV. I was too tired to even use the Internet, no matter how much I love Omi. So, like, no. My body was still aching from the Saturday's workout, which for today has lessened significantly, but which also makes me happy: it means this routine is REAL and it will have effects on my shape. It was so cool, because for once the trainer wasn't set on making me lose weight until I became a skin sac of bones, but understood, that I want to tone my body and keep it in shape. ^_^ I'll develop muscles! Well, hopefully I'll manage to get rid of some excess fat from here and there, so that my muscles show better. I'd like to develop my thighs and the lines on my belly. Then maybe my deltoids, but not too much because my shoulders are pretty the way they are, and I want to keep them pretty. I definitivelly don't want to turn into some Super Saiyan looking folk. Yes, yes, Vegeta is cool and I like him a lot, but those bulding, hard muscles look good on him, not on me. So I'm not seeking to have that body... if not under me... ^/////^

Good... now I'm horny. I should really, really do something about my mind... like ask if I can get a decent FEMALE brain installed instead of this male gay brain which keeps making a loop around two basic notions: men and sex-with-men. ... Nah, I like my brain the way it is! I've one of the coolest brains in the world! Plus it seems is one of the few brains that haven't been spoiled with this odd stupidizing vyrus that has taken over the world making it a dumber place. (BTW, I should take care of my breakfast...)

On other news, the Government has been analyzing the possibility of making all or a big chunk of the public employees telenetworkers, and so our illustruous Institution, has decided to go checking on the matter, and sent us a survey about whether we are up to taking our jobs home and work from home. Well, OF COURSE I said YES! Imagine waking up at any time I feel like, working when I want, going to the gym when I want, doing what I want, when I want, going where I want... take two weeks on the beach, working online while tanning and drinking tequila... Life would be so awesome! I had to have for it the agreement of my boss, and I thought that would be a tricky one, since we kind of had a « Tête-à- Tête » on Friday topped with me being "scolded" for being "rude" to LD when I told him that I did my part of the job and I wouldn't help him with his, turned my back and left. (I never said that, but the Lazy Dog said so to my boss, and so I was scolded on unproven evidence.) However he said yes, that I was one of the few who could do the job. Well, raise and shine Petite Étoile. Have not been informed about the results and whether I'll be sent home, but it would certainly be cool. I could definitivelly work better, specially, if I don't have to endure certain elements...

Now, the down side of the thing is that in here people don't really understand the concept of telenetworking... well, maybe the main problem is with the "working" part of the equation. So they have come up with these "rules" about the telenetworking, like you have to have an office at home, and an ergonomical chair, and probably will have to remain connected from 07:00 to 16:36 as if we were at the office, and read e-mails and so. Telenetworking-for-dummies. And probably will have to come to the office nevertheless for meetings every so often instead of really letting us stay away the whole time and making online meetings. I, for once, would like to just grab my stuff and go home, work from there and live happily ever after. Imagine: keep my job but live in Budapest. That would be heaven.

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