Aug 1, 2008


I've... been proposed... Not a joke! I really... was proposed. Wanna know the best part of it? It actually left me... thinking.

Man, at 32, I was proposed... again. Not by the same guy! Oh no, dear no! But by a guy with the same name. Dude, I sure must have an "Andrew" magnet. Well, I did had this "vibe", this... instinctive notion that I would marry a guy whose name started with an A, either an Andrew or an Alexander. (The word "man" in Ancient Greek eerily present in both names...) Now, anyone who knows me knows also that I am mysogamist: I don't do "commitment" or "relationships". Anything that tempts against freedom and independence is my natural enemy. So what happened this time around? The perspective happened. That's all that happened.

Unbelievable, first time I actually post almost identical posts here and at my Hungarian blog, something I carefully avoid. However, I'm... shocked, not only by my proposal, but also by my reaction, by the things it brought up in me. The "potential". So, what do I want to do of my life?

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

^_^ You and me both, sister!!! Me married... It was a thought that have not crossed my mind since I was... 18. I'm most likely to politely decline the proposal, since, really, it's giving up my freedom, but... I've been doing so much thinking about the matter, and one thing that comes around in my mind is "I can always file for divorce" or "get widow" if things don't work out. So, there's a way out, expensive and "desgastante", but... who knows?

But if I say yes... get me some Rugby players for my Bachelorette party!