Aug 25, 2008


I knew my calculations would turn out to be right. *swells with pride* I measured my words to cold perfection. I made it. JP wrote... after I banned him from my MSN.... don't know how did he do it. I'm... filled with happiness!! ^_^ I could make a victory dance! Save that this kindof happiness usually doesn't prompt me into victory dances. I'm overjoyed because the Ice Queen is back, and her evil plans are going like clockwork. Pride is intoxicating. Yessssssss... my profiling was perrrrfect. My weapon was flawless. May my other evil deeds be just as successful? Or is it still the luck from bedding three gay guys on Saturday night?

Oh, did I forgot that little detail of my weekend? Well... *pretense of humbleness* it wasn't that... "little". And the show... oh my... I think I'll never spend money on another movie again. ^_^

Then again... I guess Ivan and I will have a talk about why am I so loud during sex and how will I be banned next time I scream my head of. Well, it wasn't my fault: Jose is really talented with his... never mind. ^_^ Oh, and Gian Ca? Great kisser! But... that's just between Ivan and me... oh yes, and those boys. ^_~

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Hush-hush! You may put me in evidence! What would people say if they would to think that I am... Evil.