Dec 29, 2008

Change of plans in the last minute

So I was going to go to Sofia today. With a sleeping wagon and the whole shebang. Then, in the morning, Jules called me and told me that the railroad workers were going to go on strike from Januar 1st on. O_O Holy Hell! I'm so not going to get stuck in Bulgaria! We called the railroad call center to ask about what would happen, or if the train would at least drop me on the border, from where I could take a bus home, but the girl knew nothing. She even said she wasn't aware of when the train-strike was going to start. Was it just some gossip? Was it real? I'm not risking it. I called the hotel and cancelled the reservation, and now, after lunch I'm going to return my ticket, get back my 32 thousand forints (multiply by 2.64 to get colones), and call it the day.

I won't lie to you, I'm extremely disappointed that my trip got so fucked up. I though about going next year, but I have already planned my trip for next year: I'm going to Venice. Kinda upsetting also, because I really thought God and I had an agreement, BUT I rather don't meddle into his stuff, and let him work according to the "greater picture" he has. Currently I'm grumbling really upset and I tip my head towards him and say: "Hope you don't pull one of these with the Thesis!". No, that's not the way you talk to God, but right now I'm upset my plans went donw the gutter. At the same time I'm a bit relieved. I think God has decided to help me with my finances and this is a way to cut back a little my expenses. As a matter of fact, Good Thinking, God!

As for when am I going to visit Sofia... I have no idea. Maybe in 2010, and then, I guess I'll get a plane ticket to avoid all the crap with the train and their irrational strikes. Then again, maybe by then I'll be here, and maybe I could just drive all the way down to there.

Oh well, I called Gitta and asked her if the New Year's party was still up, and it's still up! For 4000 Ft I can drink as much as I want, and there will be food and people and the whole shebang. Today, after returning my ticket, I'll be going to do my shopping for calendars and see what's out there to see. Who knows? May even call the Lord of the Horses to walk with me a little, keep me amused... My Grandfather will certainly be happy I'm not going to the Balkans. But what to do, what to do... we will be going to Győr! And then, of course, Gödöllő. And then, and then... Well, I'll be here at home, and that will be wonderful. ^_^ In the end, everything has a bright side. In this case, the brighter side is that I'll have more money to spend... only gara be careful, or I'll step over my weight limit.

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Mae, ponele la firma! Comida gratis, barra libre por 4000 forintos (ok, como 10 mil pesos, pero la idea no es esa...), fiestra PRIVADA, ROCKERA en un bar de un amigo, cerrado, exclusivo para la ocasión, DJ RUSO solterito y a la orden, full Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Macy Gray, Moulin Rouge, Björk... amigos TUANIS que no van a querer que me siente a hablar con la suegra...

Sí, al principio estaba a cero bajo perro, como le dije a un amigo, pero la verdad, Dios sabe por qué hace las cosas como las hace, y este no es un Jefe con el que yo me meta a discutirle. Pues ahí sí le dije que ojalá y con la tesis no se me ponga en varas, pero eso es en buena onda. Creo que Dios, la verdad, no quería que pasara aňo nuevo, solita y preocupada de si el tren me iba a dejar en Hungría o si me iba a tocar bajarme en Serbia y ver cómo le hago para llegar de vuelta a mi casa en menos de una semana y sin meterme en una deuda más grande que la de los bancos de los Estados Unidos. Así que ahora estoy otra vez a 26 sobre perro, con toda la pata y ... gastando la plata que me devolvieron del tiquete, cruzando los dedos que los atravezados búlgaros no me rebajen la plata del hotel, a pesar que les dije que cancelaba la reservación (con tiempo!), y pues bueno, pasándola como los grandes!

La vida sigue siendo bella... al menos hasta que vuelva a ese campo de concentración llamado "brete".