Dec 31, 2008

The Last Entry of the Year... I think

Well, this is 2008's last entry... unless something unexpected happens. I'm at the Mammut shopping center because I wanted to have my glasses straightened up, get them a new, flat case and see if I can get myself a pair of contacts. I've been thinking that MAYBE the brand I have at home are flawed. You know, stuff sent to Latin America is prone to be toxic, flawed, misshapen, because, all thise "wetback" "beaners" should start dying of something, or because they are so infrahuman, they can take what humans can. Oh, that ain't no criticizim, only simple observation after things like poisoned shampoo and food being sold to us because our regulation can be bought into accepting things the FDA forbids, or like because you can donate to our governments asphalt for roads mixed with radioactive waste, so you don't have to deal with getting rid of it properly, and stuff like that. No criticizim, but mere observation. A lovely melon coloured Cosmopolitan keeps me company. Today's waiter is a very lovely waitress. The dessert chosen blindly is a Mauro cake with nut icecream and whipped cream. It's beyonf hideous. Ain't like it has no taste, but instead has the most terrible taste ever invented by mankind. The berries with it make it only worse. They are a kind of cherry, but more acid, which us Hungarians call "meggy".

Truth to be told, I come only to use the wireless and stare at the absolutely hot guys that run around or sit at the tables, but since I can do that for free and it wouldn't be well seen, I order some hineous concoction and pray not to day from the taste. Why can't they just offer you some mákos palacsinta??? It's beyond me. Okay, I could have ordered sushi... damned. Then again, sushi with French fries???? These people are out of their minds.

The party at Gitta's is under planning. I must be at their place at 19:30, which gives me only a little time here to write, wish everybody a Happy New Year and be on my way, change, do make up and so on.

In summary, this has been a very nice year. I have had my "lost battles", though I can say I have pulled profit from everything. My head has a bunch of new ideas for stories.

Hell, I know what I asked for. This is not the Mauro cake, but the poppy-seed pudding! No wonder it tasted like soil! I actually like the taste, but this doesn't go well, with the pudding. What was I thinking? Probably only to get something done so I can use the Internet. Funny, I start to like the pudding. Maybe the small amounts of opium in the poppyy seeds start to pile up and after a few spoonfuls of the concoction, it starts tasting good.

The trip to Gödöllő will be left for Friday or maybe Saturday. I still have to make sure I can get to the Optic Store, get all the presents I still have to get, get a HUMONGUS bag for me to make my plan work to get away with murder and carry more than the alleged 30 Kg of luggage, which I have already surpasses, I may add.

I'm off. Have a good 2009!

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Thank You, Dear!!! ^_^