Jan 3, 2009

The Year's First Entry

Well, first of all, let me salute you all, with a HAPPY 2009! May this year be filled with happiness and success, and please, this time do try and work for it, and not only half assed attempts, but work hard for it. Thinks do come to those who fight for them. People make a lot of resolutions for every year, and a women's typical list starts with shit like: "Lose 20 pounds". Please love, get real! Make resolutions that really count, like: "finish my X degree", "send my kid to college" and things like that. Why do you want to lose weight or get new boobs or "get a boyfriend"? Being thiner won't make you happier. Most likely it will make you myserable because you will deny yourself all those great foods you like. Getting boobs come hand in hand with getting back ache, not to mention the fear that they will start deforming, or that a boob will suddenly start leaking. Natural boobs are the best. As for the boyfriend, honey, men outside the bed are good for one thing and one thing only: trouble. You should be more honest, more like a man, and instead of asking for losing weight, you should ask for sex, because you want to lose weight to be pretty, to hook som guy and have sex. Instead of boobs, ask for sex, because you want boobs to be sexier, get male attention and have sex. And instead of a boyfriend, ask for sex, because you want that boyfriend to have sex. Therefore, simply ask for sex. Not like it would happen so easily, but it's easier to fulfill the simple resolution of having sex rather than going first for all the complications.

Today I visited my grandpa to show him a glass quill I bought at Gödöllő, Empress Sissy's palace, and see if he has ink to write with it. He does, but he declared that my quill was ugly and useless and I should throw it away. Well, it does scratched the paper a little as I write with it, but I think it's pretty and I'll keep using it, though I'll have to buy some ink for it. The glass quill is very stylished in form, and very... old fashioned. I doubt people ever wrote with glass quills, but I will certainly compose from time to time a few lines with it. The ink holds well up to ten words, before I have to dip the tip in the ink well again. Sure, I won't use it to take notes during a meeting, but I certainly can use it for journal writing or letter writing. It comes also with a violet scented ink... evidently in purple color. Perfect for inspiration.

I'm only wondering if there will be any problem with me carrying the glass quill and the ink in my handbag. I mean, people could think it is a weapon, which it is, since the pen is stronger than the sword, BUT, really, hijack a plan with a quill and a small bottle of violet scented ink?? I wonder about that.

This year starts well, and I wish it will continue on this path, all nice and smooth and happy, with happy endings to the "big dilemmas". My only resolution, which doesn't depend as much on me as I would like it to, is to finish my thesis. Once I get that, the other "resolutions" that would come are more "facts" than resolutions: speed debt clearing, getting my degree recognized by the Hungarian University of Economics, the Közgaz, and get a job here. The flats here are a bit on the expensive side, but I'm waiting. Sure if I get a job, I'll move in and start renting a place if I have no flat by then. There are several places around where I want to live where I could rent an appartment. That way I could keep an eye on the neighbourhood and but a flat when one comes on sale. There are a few that are on sale already, but I don't like the prices, like I said. However, the market prices might change in the years to come.

So this is my resolution and my plans. I've put up 3 Kg from all the great food I have been eating. Would be nice to work them off to fit more loosely into my clothes, but... well, if they have to come off, they will. If not... it's all the good food staying with me! ^_^

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Si no se quiebra y no me la decomisan, te voy a mostrar mi pluma apenas pueda!!!