Jan 22, 2009

Filling Up, Filling Up

I wasn't gonna really write today, but then I thought, "what the heck?". I've already poured the contents of my head in THREE Hungarian blogs, I might as well, do some social service for the English-Reading Audience. Three? What do I have to say that takes three blogs? Well, look at Seinfield, whom I dislike deeply: years and years doing crap, and yet they were on top. Seinfield makes me think that people don't even want content or substance, only something to drag them lower into numbness.

I discovered today one more reader of my Hungarian blog. Damned. I'm becoming popular. I may have to censor meself. Hell. >_> That won't please me. People also say the same lovely things to me. "You write such amusing things! You should really consider going professional and make a living of your writing". There's something hard to explain in this, which I repeat rather often: "If I ever leave the economics, I'll be myserable and I won't be able to write again". You may ask what's the possible relation between sex, torture, psychological issues, drama, life and economics. Dude, you are NOT really asking me that, are you? Okay, okay. What's the relationship between economics and literature. Economics keep me satisfied and in control of my destiny. Economics fulfill me as human being. I need to be whole, satisfied and balanced in order to delve into my emotions, the emotions of others, and set them into stories. If the balance is broken, I'm rendered useless.

Therefore, the only way I can write is by doing it as a secondary activity... or something of the sort and under that cathegory.

Sometimes it do puzzles me why people find my writings amusing. I mean, they are amusing for me, and I basically write them for me, it's kinda hard to imagine someone else would find them amusing. Also, people see other things amusing in them. It gives you a glimpse into other people's minds and how the focus of a subject shifts so radically from head to head.

It's been days and days since I have wanted to get home, strip to my underwear, fall on my bed, coke and popcorn next to me and watch Supernatural to my heart's content, but I can't. There's always something, always something.

I think, my head is still single. I have wishes and desires about being with Kari and doing daily things, like make supper or go to get groceries, or just watch him in the living watching tv, or working on his stuff, but my head keeps going to my single activities and my lonely ways when thinking of relaxation. I wonder when will come the day when my head goes instantaneously wishing to get home, strip down to my underwear, shout: "Honey, I'm Home! Get the popcorn ready, I've got the coke!", and then fall on the bed or the couch, turn on the tv, lay back, feel him, rather than see him sit next to me, pull me into his embrace, kiss my head, get my nose filled with his scent, the popcorn and the bubbling coke, and just watch tv until we fall asleep, and sleep until real late.

Shit... I want that. Am I that already, or really, really, really soon to be there?

I miss his hair, his nose, his strikingly beautiful eyes and his glasses.

Fuck, I miss Kari.


1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Gracias a tí, Libe! El honor es todo mío! ^_^