Dec 14, 2008

Paris is gonna get me broke

First of all, there's no wireless in Caracas, so I couldn't write from there. Second, I hook up with no one this time, so I ACTUALLY saw Paris during the day. Well, it wasn'g much seeing because it's all cloudy, but it wasn't cold, so I had a wonderful time. Really, wonderful. Went down the Av. de l'Opera, as usual, where I extected to grab a bite at Bioboa café, but it was close. Who closes on Sunday? That's so annoying. I ended up scoring some incredible delicious escargot for lunch, learning for the first time all by meself, how it should be eaten. The problem wasn't the snail, but the eating tools they provided me with: a wicked pair of plairs and a tiny, narrow fork with two points. So I applied the "grab-and-pull" logic to it. What can I say? At least now I can say I've eaten cooked snails. They ain't slimy, if you think so.

Unlike the Juan Santamaría, the Charles de Gaule doesn't have a free wireless Internet service, so I ended up having to pay for the service, up to 15€, which is really nothing compared to all I've spent so far... including a lovely 2009 Rugby Caledar, which I won't be able to hang at the office, though it would improve my mood considerably every day.

Today I went to the Louvre, and as expected, couldn't see much of it. Went into the Denon section, where the Joconde is shown and marveled at the frescoes and scultpures, though I must say that the sculptures smell very, very bad. They smell like rancid bathrooms. It's very unappealing. Went to the Benetton store andc bought myself a pair of lovely gloves. I forgot my white gloves at home, and so I bought a pair in venezuela, in teh colors of the flag, but here I was compelled to buy these ones as as well. Then bought my aunt a box of French chocolates mainly because the box is so pretty.

However, there's something that upsets me terribly: I'm at France, a match between Perpignan and Leicester are playing. Perpignan just signed Daniel Carter, an awesome New Zeland player... and I CAN'T SEE IT!!! Like crazy I've been asking, and NOTHING! What does a woman has to do to get a bit of rugby around here?

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