Nov 5, 2012

Removing a Post

Earlier today I posted  very upset and writing with bile. Reconsidering that post, however, I decided to take it off, and instead replace it with this short and simple note.

You see, sometimes you try to write but you are rolling over and over some nagging thought or feeling that doesn't let you go forward, and that's what happened to me. As you all know by now, I'm in the difficult process of detaching myself from someone who has been a very important part of my life for the longest time, someone who at one point meant my universe, my Rising and Evening Star, if you like to call it that way. In love? No, it's not a case like that - but I clarify because I know my words can be easily misread - but indeed someone for whom I had and have a very deep love.

Things, however, have come to the point where further connections would only cause us more hurt than good. This might be a one sided situation, but be it as it may, it has been hurting me more than I dare to admit. Today all that blew off, and it exploded in the less adequate place of all. Yes, I am human, yes I am allowed to bitch and give in to my weakness, but there's something called "common sense" that should be observed for the further, better unfurling of things. That's why I've taken it off.

As message all I want to say is this: it's okay to acknowledge our weakness, and making mistakes and stupidities is fine too, as long as we admit it and are willing to correct them when corrections are possible, contain when that's the viable solution, and always facing it when things blow up and spill around.

Thank You, Anonymous, Invisible and Secret you for being out there and reading me.

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