Feb 3, 2009


This is not whom I love. This is not to whom I gave my heart. My heart is falling into pieces and lies scattered on the floor. I close my eyes filled with tears, tears of anger and wish with what little is left of my heart, of my soul to be all a big, fat lie. I open my eyes and it is still there. My heart is in such excruciating pain I could shout and lose my sanity. Hyne knows I loved you, and I loved you more than anything. I placed my family, PEOPLE beneath you and I would have given everything for you and now you do this? Unspeakable.

It is not a secret for anyone that I love IBM. My first two laptops were IBM ThinkPads. Omi, MY beloved Omi, whom I place above everything and everyone, and who's far more important to me than even my lovely and faithful Nagi, IS an IBM ThinkPad, one of the last true IBM ThinkPads, untainted by the unclean hands of Lenovo, whom I consider a disgusting worm crawling under everything that's pure and beautiful in the world. I have driven both Jules and Shimmy INSANE with my fixation over IBM ThinkPad. Jules wanted me to go "I have no idea, I don't remember", and Shimmy did even the impossible to drive me to the lands of Dell and Mac, and yet I never gave in. I accepted buying Nagi, an Acer Aspiron because I always considered him an assistant, a subordinate of Omi, the brain, the King, The Great, and even said I couldn't care less if Nagi went missing or got damaged during the travel. Omi is my heart and my soul and him I'd care for with all I have. I still think and still believe him to be the best thing that has ever happened to mankind (after me).

Well, first they sell out the ThinkPad and all the hardware part to this "Lenovo" character. It made me cry bitterly in the arms of my friend, mourning the loss of hope in the future. A life without IBM ThinkPad was as bleak as you can imagine it to be. There's nothing worse. I came to terms with the loss, survived, and now this.

The blow has been too much. It's deception upon pain, upon my hurt, upon desolation. Pay close attention, my dear children: This is the end of the American Dream. 4000 people laid off last month, and the solution is to ship them off to the India, where wages are insultingly low. Of course, it looks tremendously nice: for the worker you offer a job, for the economy, you wipe a chunk of unemployment as if it never existed. For you, well, a substantian cut in the expenses. It's pretty simple, you take the unemployed and place them in a part of the world where you can afford to pay him or her a tiny part of their original salary. Well, things are far cheaper there, you mind, so you don't need the whole $4000 you made in the US, but you can make it with the $100 you'll get for your job... which, BTW, has some differences regarding workload, schedules, and, of course, your rights as worker. BUT you get to have a job in what, well, you've been doing. Ummm, of course, nobody is saying a word about RETIREMENT because, well, ummm... that might be managed according to the local customs, you mind. Oh, and learn to speak, what do they speak in India? Oh yes, is that funny language with letters that look like the spatial writings from sci-fi series. Or maybe, is the Elf language?

The good ol' American worker might be outraged and has all the right to be so. He's being taken away from the land where he has all the rights because, baby, the American is the LOCAL in America. In India, he will become the foreigner, the last one, the mocked one, the minority, the one that has to adjust and against whom the law would judge if a dispute of rights is between a Hindu and him. Locals always have the upper hand, homie! So yeah, it looks bleak for the American being laid off, but what can he or she do? Fuck, people has to work in order to support the family, and there are a lot of immigrant in the world, he or she wouldn't be the first, and.. they make it somehow, right? Right? Yes, they do, honey.

Only also think about this: if IBM secures you the job in India, it's a job you are taking from a Hindu. The Government of India might be counting on those jobs to curb their own problems of unemployment. Countries usually also allow the functioning of this kind of enterprises, and make all kinds of concesions in taxes and so, to create job opportunities for their people. Lousily paid, offering terrible conditions, near to the reality of service-sweatshops, but in the national statistics the question is not: is your job fair? Only do you work or not? The more people you have employed, the better. Now, if the Americans start flowing in, and they don't bring their American money, but take the Hindu jobs, and the Hindu lands, and the Hindu houses, what happens with the local population of India? Gets unemployed. Unemployment will start rising there, and at the same time, there will be more people buying, probably people who has no real idea of what things cost, which will probably promote the rising of the prices, which will give the final push to those who could barely survive to go under the surviving level. Hunger, desperation, inflation AND unemployment... export the crisis to some other country you don't really care, as long as they provide you what you need nice and cheap.

Then comes the unavoidable rising in crime. Yeah, yeah, big cities are so dangerous... wanna see dangerous in one of those "exotic lands"?

This is not a solution, this is criminal and shameless.

From this moment on, I break my bond with IBM. They shall take care of Omi, because Omi is not to blame and he's still perfect, but I want nothing more, ever again, with IBM.

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