Feb 9, 2009


Second comment on my picture: "Dude, I can't see you nose!" Geez man, why do you want to see my nose? Do you have a nose fetiche? Maybe wanna check it out, was I doing coke or something? You wanna show it to the doc and ask for a carbon copy of the same? The picture is an artistical filtering, so accentuate the eyes. I call this particular piece "The Eyes of Burana". No idea what a burana is? It's one fucking hell snow storm. And why burana? You ask too much.

Before you ask, because you would, yes, my boyfriend is in town and we are having a great time together. I'm learing things from him, about him that mesmerize me. It awes me the way he's so strong and so determinated. There's like a long fibre going across his self that ties up everything inside him into a pattern that might not be aparent to the naked eye, but which is... bedazzling. I'm in a whirlpool here. Swirling deeper and deeper into the core of his trap, drowning in him. If I am a witch, he's the tempting demon I've made a pact with. ^_^

You know me, I rather don't repeat topics through my blogs, BUT this is one you, my not-Hungarian-speaking darlings, deserve to know.

Work is going smooth... maybe because Mr.B ain't here. I believe tomorrow it's gonna be annoying. Hyne, why can't I have a decent boss in this enterprise? Ever since my days in Mobile all my superiors suck. I'm a bit in the limbo, work-wise. I do keep writing down my tasks of the day on the calendar and cross them out when I complete them, but the noise Mr.B has introduced fucks up my system. It displeases me not to have a clear path, a clear goal, and furthermore, to go on the steps of a scrambled mind that wouldn't be able to connect A to B. Anyway, that's a problem we all know much too well.

My friend Dragonfly is back from her journey in the land of the Aztecs. Have not heard the briefing of all her adventures on the Land of the Sun King and the richness of history weaved with thick, scented blood. Give her time, soon she will partake the secrets of ancient lands of wisdom. I missed her.

I'm talking with Shimmy Gin about meeting with him in these days so he can meet Kari. I guess we are do for tomorrow at a place famous for it's Piňa Coladas. I"m not much of a "Piňa Colada" kind of drinker, but I sure can give it a shot. hey, if it has alcohol it can only be good.

I was supposed to re-start reading something or pick up a new book or continue reading something, but I kinda didn't. Well, now I have better things to do... save that I feel I'm not being as good a hostess as I should. I should really pay more attention to my Kari.

Oh well, me going... should be working, and that depresses me. (I could think of a lot of things I would rather do right now, specially since I have someone with me on whom to perform them... ^_^)

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

I'll be checking those pictures! ^_^ I love the way you photograph the things you like.