Feb 25, 2009

Who is "We"?

Call me stupid or gullible, naive or whatever, but yesterday I sat on my bed, stuck to the CBS listening attentively at the speach of President Obama before both Houses at what, I believe, was the State of the Nation, and I felt inspired. Yes here's a man that will finally get things right in America. Bad for other countries, yes, since in his effort to give jobs to Americans, he will force enterprises to retrieve their manufacturers from abroad, and that means so long maquiladoras and call centers, and now, when the ol' pops call from deep in Tennessee, he WILL talk to some folk from the US, really, speaking American English and not some Bollywoodish gibble.

As an economist, I know this is gonna cost a fucking lot of money to do, and have honestly no idea from where that money will come, but I can see the sense in his words, and I'm happy to find someone that will take America and give it to Americans. Yes, America is a country fueled by loans, so that must be reactivated. Changing that, ripping people away from their loans is senseless. If you would like to do that, you'll have to do it little by little, but never as a whole, sudden chunk. Yes, the economy is sick, but you first have to get it on its feet somehow before starting to move it towards something more sustainable.

It's amazing, really, to find a man in the White House who has won not only the heart of his nation, but also the heart of the world. I believe this was one of those few cases where the whole planet would have loved to vote, and most likely a big chunk would have voted for him.

After his speech came of the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, who opposed the agenda of President Obama, playing his cards evidently to be America's next president, and puked a load of crap on cameras. "Americans can do anything". Give the money to the people, because "Americans can do anything". Don't give the money to the banks, give it to the people. And let me ask you, what will people do with it? Crime will certainly raise in a country in crisis, since people will try to take the money from others. If you don't give it to the banks to lend it, how will it get to the enterprises to pay the payrolls? How will it help keep down unemployment? You give the money to the people and they might decide to flee the country and let foreclosure take their homes, or will decide to buy a new car, spend the whole thing in booze... or even if they use the money to pay their mortgages, how do you suppose that will help them keep their jobs?

In a world in crisis, where Marx' predictions turned to reality, a liberal should keep his mouth shut. And who is the people anyways? Haven't the people elected President Obama? Isn't he then the representation of "the people"?

Mr. Jindal's observations are petty and misleading and try to detour people from the big picture.

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