Feb 1, 2009

A Piece of My Mind

You may have seen an entry titled "Care" and you may have been able to read it and see it mising, or maybe wanted to know what it was about and now can't find it, and you wonder: "what's the mystery of Care? Was it something about the Medi-Care?" No baby, it was about me having my first fight with my beloved, and I went venting and kicking the door, smashing the dishes and the whole: "you know what? fuck yourself very much for all I care!" And that was the Care. But things went nice and straight again in a record two hour conversation. Dudes, this thing does work! I know it's hard to say what you have to say when you are upset, specially if you are like me: mame first, ask later, BUT please try it out! (BTW, this is not my invention. Celia Cruz said the key of her happy marriage was that they never went to bed angry with each other.) I'm explosive and I have "sequels", but my beloved and unique, and adorable, and PERFECT and magnificent and Best-One-Ever boyfriend, to whom altars should be erected, because, really, he's an angel and a sweetheart, well, this outstanding human being ACTUALLY came back, heard me out and stayed with me and offered real solutions!

I love him!

However, this is not what I'm going to write about. Only I gara go lunch now, so I'll continue later.


Okay, I'm back. Today's topic is "World Crisis Bullshit". No, wait a minute, there is a world crisis going on, but let me tell you what's the fuck about it. You don't need to be an economist to figure this out. I mean, any half-brained MBA can also figure it out. Please look at some very superficial things anyone might have been able to pick up from being in the vicinity of a newspaper.

- Banks go breaking due to sub-prime mortgages. (This sub-prime means that this mortgages were given to people with very little chance to honour their debts. Interestingly, they were charged higher rates. Well, yeah, you have to try and recover your investment as fast as you can, and you want your risk to be paid as high as possible, but please think: the motherfucker has no job and no means to pay for food, how in the fucking hell you expect this poor bastard to pay you those rates?)

- One by one banks go breaking or getting into serious trouble welling up to Argentine levels. Hell yeah! Corralito for the U.S.! - My, my... all due to the sub-prime? It seems everybody went greedy and wanted a piece of the big-paying-cake.

- Banks scream for a bail out and pay people to shower the audience with threats: if we don't get it you will loose your jobs! I distinctly remember this because I saw it in the CBS and I would have loved to kick the bitch's teeth in for calling the senators names for doing what they are supposed to do: protect the best interest of the nation. Those $700B, my darlings, come from taxpayers' money. Money that could be spent on health, education, and many other different aids that go directly to those who need it.

- Banks get the bail out, which is not nearly enough, they are still in shit up the neck, and still pay BILLIONS in bonuses to their employees.

- Thousands and thousands of people are fired and there are declarations of intents to fire many more. But the Wall Street brokers and other people in the especulation business keep getting their hands on the money.

So where's the bullshit? The bullshit is that the especulation sphere has infected the economy to the point where all the bullshit and all the bets burst and the thing came falling down in pieces, and yet, they put the weight, the cost of it on the LITTLE PEOPLE! Everybody was made a part of this big Las Vegas thing, as if everybody's job where on the pool table, and yet not one of the little people being put at risk of losing everything is listened and let have a say on the whole deal. If the bet is a winner, the broker and all the speculators get the profit, the little worker gets... to keep his job. But if the bet goes sour... the little man pays the price. So yeah, I call this World Crisis a huge load of crap because a few greedy sons of a whore made the fucking risky bets to get the money without sweating it and when it went fucked up, they cried for a bail out, got the money and ran away with it, letting the little people unemployed and having to deal with the consequences.

When some "big heads" say that this world crisis will be worse than the Big Depression, I'd say, don't worry my fellow Proletarian, we are getting a share of the same, but it will be bad for all those Capitalist Pigs who will have a hard time trying to find some source to rip off. Yes, we depend on a lot of things, but think of this, my dear friend: we are already living humbly, close to the soil, so our fall will be small, but those who have stomped on the heads and shoulders of those below them, and have elevated themselves above their brothers and believed to be a chosen kind, those will suffer a higher fall, and the humiliation of realizing they are of the same blood as us, the little people. We may have a harder time going to wait tables, work the field and fix cars, but they... they will die before doing so.

It is not harder my dear, it's hard for those who have to admit they have cheated and have been freeriding on the work of others.

I am happy, you know? Happy because each new realization show the world that John Maynard Keynes was right, and that the market needs to be regulated or it will be eaten up and fucked up by the especulators.

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