Mar 17, 2009

Addendum to "Belly Matters"

It is an archaic conception to think that you are what you eat, but I believe in today's society it fits people properly. When you have loads and loads of options to feed yourself, what you chose to eat is what you choose to be. So, if you choose junk food, you are junk. If you choose to eat nothing, you are nothing.

What do you choose to be?

A friend of mine commented that entry through the Facebook, and I'd like to add her comment here because her remarks are very to the point.

« I love this note. So many people are obsessed about being so skinny that their ribs stick out, as do their collarbones and shoulder blades. As someone who is definitely not a toothpick, I appreciate this post. Marilyn Monroe really is one of the most beautiful women in history and she was a size 12 (in today's measurements). »

Well said, my dear! As for "size 12"... my goodness! I'm an 8-9! Guess we still gara put some meat on our bones! ^_^

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