Mar 16, 2009

Belly Matters

Saturday was a kind of "something" day for me. I work up at 5:30 hours in order to attend all the things I had to do, among them write two letters, one for my boyfriend, one for my uncle Jón, talk with my boyfriend on the Skype, run to two different teller machines to get my money, to run into a bank, buy USD, go to another, make an extraordinary payment (no the regular payment of the credit card, but an additional one. Yes, I do that), run to a third bank, pay another credit card, return two DVDs (Day Watch and Night Watch. Awesome. You ought to see them together!), go to the post office and send the two letters I wrote, and then run to Pavas, where I was to meet with my dear friend Li for lunch, at noon exactly, and then see if I can sell some books I don't need, get some pictures printed out and go back home to work on the theorical framwork of our thesis.

Amazingly, I made everything, got to lunch in time, and the only thing I couldn't accomplish was the thing with the books. I didn't know you can't only sell them in weekdays, and after 17 h. And let me tell you this: the neighbourhood ain't something I'd like to visit more often. Either way, I feel very, very accomplished. There's nothing as cool as completing a task list to satisfaction. ^_^

As I was walking toward the bus station home, I suddenly realized everybody around me, particularly every woman around me, young or old, from the seven year-old to the seventy year old, they all had the same thing: rounding out bellies that stretched against their clothes. First I thought maybe I was just focusing on the ones with "the belly", but as I looked around, everybody had this distinctively disgusting belly going on. It looked as if they had hid a pneumatic under their shirts. It was flaccid and ugly. Not the kind you get for being normally thick, but the kind you get for living and unhealthy life. I wondered whether it was the bad choice on clothing that made everybody look so bad, and if they had no mothers, like Roo would say, so nobody stopped them before walking out of the house looking like that.

Thing is that we live in a sick society where people are either stuffing themselves with loads of greasy junk that might kill their hunger, but certainly kill their bodies, or people that plain torture and kill their bodies following all kinds of mindless fashion statements that requiere them to be unhealthily thin. I've always said that these models, these people look like the survivors from Auschwitz, but I guess I have to be more graphic at depicting what I mean.

Hopefully people start finding it shocking. Hopefully people stop saying that THAT is beautiful and recover their senses and go back to the healthy.

The body is not meant to prounce around with only a thin layer of skin over the bones. The body has meat, blood, fat, bones, skin, internal organs, hair and the whole shebang. The thin has not always been the ideal, and it is not the ultimate sign of beauty. You are not prettier the thinner you are, you are pretty for who you are. Don't stuff yourself with al kinds of garbage, or that's what you'll become and what you'll look like. I know I'm not the healthiest people on town, but for Hyne's sake, people, do try to eat well! Eat as much as you need, without eating as a recreational activity, and when you eat, try to eat good things. I'm not proposing to ban fast food, but try to do some cooking. Prepare your lunch the night before, don't be ashamed of carrying your own food to work. Try to have some cereal, some veggies, some sort of meat or animal product... cheese, eggs, drink plenty of water, or tea, or juice. Don't try to be skinny, but be who you are.

I thought I'd show you a picture of a woman known for her beauty and desirable body. She has gone down in history like the most beautiful woman of the world. Ms. Marilyn Monroe. No one can deny she was one beautiful woman who seduced and captivated the world. The eternal bombshell. And if you pay close attention to her, she wasn't a toothpic, but a beautiful, curvy woman full of forms. Could you say she's fat? Could you say she looks bad? She had a little belly to her, which you can appreciate in several of her movies, and her shoulders and arms were soft and full, fleshy, not sticks.

What I'm trying to say here is that you can look good in your own, healthy body, you don't neeed to torture and kill yourselves over fashion, nor dress it if it doesn't fit your body. You don't have to stuff yourselves with crap either. Fashion statements change every few seconds, but your health is for ever (sort of ^_^).

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Ay güila! Es que fuera sólo eso! Son los extremos. Vivimos, la verdad, en una sociedad sin autoestima, un medio que por todos los medios busca destruir el poquito amor propio que le queda a la gente.