Mar 4, 2009


I was looking at this picture in one of my prior posts, of the movie "Bad Seed". The story is basically about this little girl whose greed makes her extremely mean. She uses for her advantage all kinds of social forms and ideas, pretending to be a perfect little girl, while she won't think twice about murdering anyone who gets in her way. In the end, the message is that the girl is genetically twisted, unable to be anything but evil and use the pretending to cover for her sociopath crimes. After the credits, as way to put the people at ease, and as a joke, the mother takes the girl by the arm, yank her to her lap and spanks her soundly.

I remembered that scene now and it brought a thought to my mind: it's amazing how people seek only the easy solutions to everything. Nobody tries to somehow deal with the girl, make her understand, stop her from resourcing to any means to get what she wants, but in the mind of everyone the basic and calming thought is that you can "spank her good". What's some spanking to a murderer? And this question brought further: what's some bailout for institutions, enterprises, banks, economies that will not change their ways. A little berating, some restrictions, maybe give them the money, maybe not, but basically let the whole thing go down the sewer, let them continue being the same bad seeds they have been so far.

Talk to them and make them "promise not to do it again"? Please. Banks gave away their share of bonuses and premiums out of money they could have used to bailout themselves.

Solution? 1. Pay attention to what happens, 2. cut back dangerous behavior on the bud. Don't let them run on the profit rush. Don't let greed take over the economy again.

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