Mar 5, 2012

Give Yourself A Chance

Have you given yourself a chance? Not only the chance to dream and wonder about the what ifs and all the marvelous alternative lives where you are so wonderful and so happy and so accomplished it's nearly impossible to believe, but the chance to let these things happen. Maybe you dream about being slim and fit and beautiful, but do you give yourself a real, honest chance to BE slim, fit and beautiful? Not with magic pills sold on TV, and machines and starving diets, but a real chance, from the bottom of your heart, BELIEVING, and not mentally boicoting the procedure with thoughts of "I won't make it", "I'll never look like that", "It's too hard", "It's too difficult". Maybe you are unemployed and what a job, or you have a terrible job and want a new one. Well, YES you can! Even if the statistics show that there's a lot of unemployed people, there's chance, and you can make it happen.

Or maybe you are looking for love, for a good, stable, satisfying relationship, but nobody seems to appear on the horizon. Well, that can also be easily gotten, if you let it happen.

It may not happen over night, it may take a while, but you'll get there if you consistently give yourself the chance. You haven't lost weight, you haven't gotten fit? Well, keep trying! Eventually you'll find the right way for you and you'll get the body you are aiming for. You want a job or a new job but nothing comes along for a long time? Well, trust in God and keep trying! Maybe the position that's perfect for you hasn't been vacated yet, or created yet! You just keep on working for that goal! Or maybe you are not prepared enough and God is giving you the chance to prepare for it. Take the chance! You might be on a crappy job, or unemployed, but that doesn't mean you can't concetrate on what you want!

Love hasn't knocked on your door? Well, don't go buying love spells and trying to make yourself younger, prettier and into someone you are not. Be yourself, enjoy yourself, discover yourself and prepare yourself to notice others. Use this time alone to learn to be happy, open and accepting! You'll be surprised when The One knocks on your door and wants to stay forever!

So yes, spirit up, smile, and take the chance! Bravely! Happily! Convinced that you deserve it and that it is wonderful, and even if it fails time and again, don't harbor ill feelings, but learn and keep on working! ^_^ Life is out there and it's full of chances for you to take!

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Te deseo mucha suerte y muchos éxitos en tu proyecto y con tus sueños. Tu caso es uno de esos muy especiales, y bueno si lo sabré que también me tocó probar las "mieles" de la vida en esa comunidad. Se te hace más empinada la cuesta cuando hay gente que está específicamente en pos de asegurarse de entorpecer tus planes, de evitar que brilles, y evitar que te vayas, pero el que persevera alcanza. Acá te tendremos presente en nuestras oraciones y te encenderemos una velita para que las cosas pronto se tornen para bien!

Adelante, Libe! Todos te apoyamos!