Mar 11, 2012

Weekend Numbers

According to my plans, I was supposed to go through our expenses yesterday, but it was such a pretty day and I was so happy walking around and reclaiming another part of the city for myself, that I decided to leave the number crunching for today. So, after waking up early, washing my hair, having Special K with Cherry Coke for breakfast - as usual - and going for the first time to the near by Lutheran church.

The sheppard was quite young, probably married with children, from what in ferred from his words today. The songs were to my liking - which was strange since I normally don't like  Lutheran songs - but not so much the speech. The election of some high seats of the church (Presbiters, maybe?) was to be done and so the sheppart found it apt to speak from Revelations, how we don't know the future, only God does so, and how it's better to just trust these matters to Him. In this sense the topic was good, the material was good, but the outcome, the way it was worked through the sermon was weak.

I escaped the church when the elections were going to start as I really have nothing to do with it, me being new at the church - maybe for the next elections - and marveled at how different the ritual was kept here. I'm still excited about it and want to continue going there, check the congregation and see if I can be part of it. (By the way, the lady sitting next to me was wearing snickers! Could I pull that off too eventually?)

After church I would have loved to go to Gödöllő, for I haven't been there in ages. I'm missing Empress Sissi's castle and all the wonderful things you can find there. However today was much colder than yesterday, and windy, so we couldn't even go to the Margit Island, which was the program my boyfriend had for the afternoon. Instead - and once in the car - we went to buy groceries. Back at home I finally tackled the pile of vouchers and bills I had accumulated since the end of last week. Methodically I entered the numbers in the Excel book, and to my horror, the amount we spent in the last week went through the roof. The number honestly scared me, but we are not spending on loans, so at least the damage wasn't as terribly bad as it could have been, but still, the amount wasn't promising.

The exercise, however was good in the sense that I realized the problem in our spending soon enough to stop the spending and curb the financial behavior of our household. We still have some important expenses, such as the tickets for the concerts we want to attend - namely Loreena McKennitt's Celtic Footprint (if there are still tickets) and Nightwish's Concert - and also there's an opera I'd like to attend, Arabella by Richard Strauss, and then there would be a couple of books I ordered online that should also be arriving. (My boyfriend is suddenly interested by other operas, so maybe we should start considering a yearly pass ^_^)

Our days are rolling, and like the sheppard said, only God knows our future, let's leave it to Him, after all He knows better (and man, if I know! He has come up with solutions and surprises to my life I could have never phantom!), and let's work on Today, which is our turf, which we can mold and make as we wish. Let's work with what we have, with what we can, with what's in our power and let's participa, aid with what we can to make God's plan come true! Isn't it awesome to be part of the forming of our own lives?

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