Mar 22, 2012

Why You Don't Tell Your Boyfriend About Mercury Retrograde

My boyfriend is quite open to my research on other religions (though we shall see how open he remains when I start my studies on Islam, Judaism or even Buddhism), and though at first he had the normal "divine fear for his soul" when he glanced at my humble pile of books on witchcraft, he has come to accept it quite well. As part of the research, I find a lot of things that appeal to me, or that sound intriguing, so I try them out (which is why I want to see how his "openneess" will evolve when I get to other religions, and may Hyne forbit I feel one day like waking before the sun and intone the customary invitation to prayer. Hell, it gives him a nightmare that I wake up at 7:30 am to go jogging!), and so I've been meditating on the Sabbaths and often even improvising a small altar-like composition that impressingly does help me get into it better, and meditate better on the significance and my personal interpretation of the celebration.

Well, thing is that thanks to my Witchy almanac, I know we are experiencing an astrological phenomenon called "Mercury Retrograde". After a conversation my boyfriend and I had about issues we had experienced, I suddenly occured to me that these problems with communication - which have been happening lately - might be due to the Retrograde. Silly me, I shared my theory with him. I shouldn't have. Today he has been cursing the Mercury Retrograde all day, conviced it is the root of a few really interesting issues that have arised at the office. But is it really so?

Either you want to believe or not on the influence planets and their movement has on us, the phenomenon of this "astrological Murphy's Law" does teach us something: our plans are not supposed to be perfect, things happen, you may have an unpleasant experience, it might feel like eternity and the end of the world, but it isn't. After everything unpleasant, things get back to normal, and a set back doesn't mean the end of the world. It means we can fail, but still, we get around and can continue our lives as normally. It means that a set back isn't a reason to hide and blame others, but a chance to pay more attention than usual, sharpen our senses and review what are we taking for granted and stop doing it.

It's not about being Pagan or being gullible, or being unfaithful to God, it's about noting that there's a world out there and sometimes things fell out of order, trample our structures, but all that comes to an end, unless we dwell in it an make a phenomenon into the center of our lives. Truth is, we can also learn from the unpleasant, so what don't we grab these three weeks and take our chances on it?

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