Mar 18, 2012

Margit Island

Today was my first day at jogging, and truth to be told, I loved it. ^_^ I woke up early - quite early as today I also planned to go to the church -, put on my snikers, my regular exercise clothes, set my fit bit and went out to jog, and try to run a little. Well, in case you wonder, I did run a little, like some 200 meters.

The day was frankly beautiful, and I was overwhelmed by the sense of security the whole city gave me. Inspite of the buildings, the streets and the modern artifacts, the tramway rails and the traffic lights, this part of the city was soaked in a deep sense of nature. Trees swinging their branches in the wind quite gingerly, with a studied elegance that has grown second nature in them after ages and ages of practicing, birds singing and slowing colors and feathers like I've never seen before. It was a day too beautiful to stay inside, to deny any soul from the graceful touch of nature. Thus, even though I didn't jog much, I had a path planned, through the Florian square up the Árpád bridge to the Margit Island. I didn't have time to go around the island, though eventually my goal is to be able to do the whole route and around the island jogging, I walked with raised tempo to the island.

I'm sure the island is far prettier, and the experience for anyone who loves nature must be blissful, this route I made wasn't without beauty either. It was magical to walk around the Roman findings of the Florian square, and just magical to walk on the Árpád bridge, looking at the sun gleaming from the surface of the Danube. The trees leaning over to the bridge, their high branches close to the walker, showed something amazing. The branches, seemingly naked and colorless, perhaps still wearing the asen colors of winters, were actually full of little buds or tiny wrapped leaves and flowers ready to bloom at any minute. Up close, as they let me touch them, they were so full of life and expectation, like consumed performers part of a great show, waiting for their tempo, their moment to join the choir of colors and life. Not a minute earlier, not a minute later, but there, full of life and promise, waiting for the time of God, the right moment that doesn't fit the schedule of men,  but the schedule of perfection, to bloom in perfect synchrony and make life wonderful.

I walked about 3.53 km, I exercised and was part of this communion with nature for 50 minutes, took about 5000 steps... but above all, as I walked, I prayed, talked to God in his many forms, stripped of religion, just God and I in the frame of the wonders of His creation... and it was wonderful.

God is everywhere, and often His words can be heard stronger, clearer in the depths of your heart, than read from books and words of scholars.

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