Jun 16, 2012

Lean Spicy Chicken

Recipe for Lean Spicy Chicken

Nutritional facts per 100 grs
Calories: 125 kcal
Carbohydrates: 1,8 grs
Protein: 22,1 grs
Fat: 3,4 grs
Fibre: 0,6 grs


  • 2 chicken breasts, boneless and with all the fat removed (this can be around 500 gramms to 800 grams depending on the size of the chicken, and yields two servings at least, but can easily yield four.)
  • 4 tbsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp chopped thyme
  • 1/2 tbsp finely chopped parsley
  • 2 cloves of garlic (each clove of garlic contains 4 kcals, so if you add more cloves and are counting your calories, add up to the calorie content 4 kcals for each additional clove)
  • Salt and pepper
  • water (around 2 cups)


  1. Chop the garlic cloves as finely as you can (and want), as well as the thyme, and parsley. If you have a mortar, you can much the herbs and the garlic in it. Chop the garlic first into three-four pieces, to make the mashing easier.
  2. Wash well the chicken breasts, and remove all the fatty parts you can find. You can cut the breasts in two along the joint of the left and right side, to make easier portions. If the pieces are large, you can quarter it as well. If you like, flatten the pieces a bit with a maller. The point of this would be to allow the breasts to cook through faster, so you don't have to wait too much for them to be ready. (If you don't have a maller (which is a meat hammer or meat tenderizer), you can use a rolling pin or a skillet. All you have to do is put the meat between two foils of clinging wrap or parchment paper and smack it evenly a couple of times.)
  3. Put in a resealable bag the chopped herbs, the garlic, the curry and the dill. Put in the breasts and add salt and pepper as you like. Close the bag and roll well the breasts in the seasoning, massaging it into the meat. Then open the bag and add a little bit of water, a table spoon or two depending of the amount of chicken breasts. The amount should be just enough to allow the seasoning to be around the meat, but not so much that it would swim in it. You should be able to close the bag and wrap it around the meat.
  4. Toss it into the fridge for one hour, or for whenever you are going to cook it.
  5. When you want to cook the breasts, take a non-stick pan, and heat it without any oil on high. On a gas stove it should take you a couple of seconds. Really, no oil, no nothing, just heat the pan. When you put your hand over the pan and you can feel it's hot, place in the breasts in it and turn them a couple of times duting the first minutes (one-two minutes), then pour half a cup of water into the pan with the liquid and seasoning left in the bag.
  6. The water you poured into the pan would evaporate quickly, so cover the pan with a lid, but check on the breasts frequently and turn them  a couple of times. Believe it or not, it will take a nice toasted color. Don't pour too much water at once, or you'll drown the meat. The point is to keep the pan from ruining and the chicken from burning onto the pan, while the moist heat allows the inside of the chicken to cook as well. Also check often, so whwn you see that there's no more water, you add a quarter of a cup at the time.
  7. Depending on the thickness of the breasts, cook them for 15 minutes to 30 minutes to make sure they are well cooked, turning them several times and making sure that there's always enough water.
  8. They are done when they get a nice, toasted brown color and they are cooked through.

Yes, as you can guess, I lost weight again. Not much, just 100 gramms. However, unlike predicted, I decided to finish the diet. Yes, I was two days away from finishing it, and I was doing so well, and I kept losing weight. However, today as I woke up, I felt dizzy and very drained. The day was sunny and perfect, but I couldn't bring myself to go out and jog. My legs felt like made of jelly, and there was a lingering feeling of fainting. I got out of bed, got to the scale, measured myself, and then dragged my body back to the bed. I though "I can't move today, what the hell will I do?". The very thought horrified me. I debated a few minutes, and then decided to still put on my tracking clothes and go out to walk. No running, no jogging, just walk. However, to do so and avoid collapsing on the street, I went to the pantry and popped a piece of chocolate covered, chocolate filled wafer (it's like the Yippy, in Costa Rica) and a piece of Schoco Bananen (banana shaped sweet banana foam covered with chocolate). With that in I felt a bit more alive, and so I went to take a walk along my regular jogging path.

I had a little bit more energy, but I felt terribly, terribly hungry. Not that hunger of "wanting to eat", but rather the type where your stomach actually hurts and feels really hard and about to digest itself. Add to it, after the walk I was again completely drained of energy, so as I got home I fell back in bed and could hardly pull myself up.

I debated about the diet, and my byofriend said that I had gone so far with it (5 days out of 7), so it would be the best to finish it, but no, I wouldn't have it. Honestly, losing weight shouldn't be before your own health, and no diet that makes you feel drained and weak worths the effort. So, with 72% of the diet done, I walkd out of it, ate like a regular, real human being and felt much better. Yes, probably I'll gain weight again, but I decided that I won't do another diet again. Not like that. So, I'll be looking for a nutritionist to get on the right path, and make sure not that I lose weight to become a supermodel, but that I keep my healthy, normal weight.

In five days I dropped around 1,6 kg (around 3,5 pounds), which isn't really normal, nor healthy (the healthy ratio when losing weight is 1 kg per week), though this is still very low a ratio compared with the 7 kg (15,5 pounds) someone I know lost, and the average 5 kg (11 pounds) you are supposed to lose with the regime.

At first I was still filling sick, as my body was getting used to normal food again, and normal tastes, but as the day went by and I had some pizza, and a piece of Black Forest cake (also bought some Eszterházy cake and Lemon cake), my energy came back to me.

This got me thinking about a lesson I learned a long time ago, and which my friends Trish and Dragonfly know better than me: don't fall for the "there's a thin person trapped inside you who wants to go out" crap. Be happy with your body, but when you feel need a change for health-related reasons, then go with the professionals - meaning nutritionists, not your local gym trainer! - and get a plan that adjusts to your personal needs and conditions. Remember that losing weight should be a slow process, so that your body can adjust normally, and finally, if you feel ill, drained, tired or sick in any way, STOP and go back to the nutritionist, because the process should make you feel better, get healthier, not to push you an inch away from inanition.


Storm Bunny said...

No te me achicopales. Hoy me dijeron algo del peso en lo que no había pensado: si tu peso no cambia, no será porque - digan lo que digan las tablas mágicas - ese ES tu peso ideal? Así como no todo el mundo nació para jugador de la NBA, no todo el mundo nació para ser modelo desnutrido de palillo de dientes humano. Al menos yo soy una mujer normal con carne en los huesos.

Sartassa said...

Black Forest Cake is a magic elixir isn't it? I am glad you found the courage to stop even though you've went so far with it. I bet most people would've done themselves harm because as you said, they went so far already.
I've never really made a diet to lose weight though, so I cannot share my experience. I just know that I constantly keep losing weight ever since we returned from the states even though I eat more now. (it's not a lot, only 1,5 kg in 3 weeks but still) must've been the corn syrup