Oct 30, 2012

Life Flows

This is a really difficult post to get through. I don't have any particular topic in head, so I would write something from whatever I'm thinking or doing, but as I do that I suddenly remember "oh, that isn't something I shouldn't be putting out there". Oh bugger. Anyway, I still want and need to write because writing lets you let out the fumes of the negativity. I guess I could use some yoga, but yoga is getting pushed out again due to a conference I'm looking forward to. Then I can remember that time is fluid and things eventually flow out of your life.

I'm happy and proud to let you know that I'm being rather active in my intent to let go of a toxic relationship in a kinder, softer way, and it's working like a charm!

You see, bumping into unpleasantries is part of life and that's ok. You don't have to like it - though more people than you's imagine, like unpleasantries and the chance they gave them to complain - but when they roll before you, you have to tackle them one way or another. Take them slowly and carefully, or get them fast and at once to get over with them, but face them, work them and then watch them flow out of your life.

There are times when we have problems letting go of things, but there are also times when you can't wait for things to get out of your life. For all of them there's a moment to leave the building. ^_^

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