Oct 27, 2012

Why Would Anyone Want to be a Millionaire?

I won't develop this line of thought much, for it could go on and on without end, and I rather want to simply put the thought in your head. First of all, can you remember the moment when you were told that being a millionaire was the best thing that could happen to you? Most likely - like for the most of us - the idea came "by itself" as people around you told you things like "if I had a lot of money I would...". But has this created in us a false image?

Our world is full of mixed messages. On one end we are told that money solves our problems and makes our dreams come true. Certainly "if you were millionaire" you would have no worries, didn't have to work, wouldn't need to wake up early, could spend all day doing what you want, would have all you want... On the other hand we are told that "money isn't happiness" and more often than not we find people playing "cool" saying stuff like "there's people so poor, all they have is money". So what's the truth?

I believe that money doesn't solve your problems, if your problem is being unhappy with yourself, or generally unsatisfied with life. Money can solve material problems, like getting you food, shelter, access to different services, and purchase different goods. Do you need to be millionaire for that? No, all you need is to get an income and a plan.

We often imagine being millionaire to be a life of no responsabilities, as we imagine not having to count after the money we spend, and not minding the waste we create in the way, by for instance wearing clothes only once or having a different car for each day of the year. Now, is that really being happy? But above all, is that what we really want for our lives?

In my opinion - and that's the core of an economical theory I'm mulling over for years now - you don't need to be millionaire to make your dreams come true. First, what are really your dreams? Do those dreams really make you happy? Do you want to travel around the whole world? Good! Do you need to be millionaire to do so, or do you need a good plan?

If you have a dream, don't stash it away for "when you'll become a millionaire", but if you really want to reach it, start working for it, think of ways in which you can achieve it. Beinga millionaire usually isn't a dream, and if it is, that's usually an empty dream. No, being a millionaire usually is like mean to reach something, and more often than not is an overreaching mean, kind of like wanting to go from your city to the next one with a spacial rocket. Think about it, it's not money you need first and foremost, but just a plan. :-)

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