Feb 27, 2012

First Post From Home!

This is my first post from my new home. My New Home. ^_^ It wasn't trouble free, as nearly no moving is trouble free, and we are still pulling stuff out from the suitcases, but I am home now. My home, the place where I'm the Lady of the House. There's still a lot to unpack, and still many dishes to wash before giving them an assigned home. There are still decisions to be made about what goes where, and where shall I put the groceries and how can I get a picture in the kitchen. The bookshelves are getting filled, and we made our bed for the first time tonight. My boyfriend is waiting for me, with a bottle of champagne we opened for dinner. A romantic he is!

I'm clsing my lines, writing from a cluttered dinner table that serves as our desk - shared desk! - while we get a couple of desks that suits us both. (I want matching desks since they are going to be in the same room and on the same end of the room.)

Blessing to all of you!

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