Feb 10, 2012

Last Post From Costa Rica

This is the last post I write from Costa Rica in a long time. This is the last time I'm checking the hour in my computer - set to Central European Time - and think about rushing with a post before 16h, in order to still make it in the day (because of the time zone differences). This is the last time I'm writing from "paradise", from the tropic and surrounded by Latin concerns. I'm moving.

I'm nervous, and thinking about the cold, but happy because one of the "problems" was solved: we could check in all our luggage. ^_^ and it seems we won't have to check it out and in again in Paris. No taxi, we are taking the RER B to Gare du Nord with our hand luggage only.

This is my last post from Costa Rica. My last post with my mom and dad close, with my brother a few minutes away in car, my sister-in-law, my beautiful nephews close and my friends minutes away from me. My last post in the place close to my loved yoga classes. This is my last post from Costa Rica. I'm moving, I'm looking for my new life at home, with the cherries and the snow, the trains to Vienna and Paris close to me. You all will be dearly missed.

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