Feb 6, 2012

Wanna Know

Why does everybody want to know what are you doing? Really, like I gara ask this Professional College thing to let me go on as an Absent Member for a while, and they want to know why. I say: "I've personal reasons" and they want papers PROVING my personal reasons. Oh, and my travel itinerary isn't enough, I gara prove I'm leaving the country, and I gara do it personally. Yes, in a world full of all sorts of technological options, I have to go all the way to the building of this college and leave there the letter. No e-mail, no fax, no nothing: it's gara be personal. I nearly had a fit about it, specially because now it seems that an itinerary isn't enough, and I'll have to scan and send them the scanning of my passport showing them that I left the country.

What the FUCK??? All that should matter is that I won't be here, that I'll be Absent. I'll pay nothing and add to it, I won't be able to enjoy any of the benefits of being a member. I'll be basically just holding up my number. That's all, so... what the fuck? Do they also want a letter from my auntie stating that I'm there and I brush my teeth every night?

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Ni me digaaaaaas! yo casi me muero, las cosas con las que se ponen. Que tengo que PROBAR que de verdad me voy del país, que me fuí y que no sé qué, y no importa el motivo, lo tengo que probar. Yo me quedé - como dicen los españoles - de una pieza, porqué para qué les tengo que justificar yo mi viaje? Esas son cosas mías y no es como si los dejara con un pendiente muy importante encima. Noooo, pero ellos TIENEN que SABER.

Siendo así de idiotas, se explican todos los chanchullos en los que andan metidos.